Ignite Your Power

Kickstart your transformation journey! This exclusive offer includes:

One 60-minute Awaken Session:

to identify your core desires and create a personalized action plan.

One additional 60-minute Follow-up Session:

to dive deeper into strategies, address challenges, and keep you on track.

Online Education:

Access to my online course Map To Radiance that is a holistic approach in unleashing your radiance from the inside out covers the mind, body & spirit. In this course you learn to rewire your beliefs, boost your self-worth, create magnetic confidence and unleash radiance. This self love affirmation audio track, journaling for dissolving limiting beliefs, step by step video guide on mirror work for transformation, Ayurvedic dietary fundamentals and more!

This package provides

a powerful introduction to my coaching methods, offering new clients a chance to experience immediate shifts and set a strong foundation for their growth. The combination of sessions and resources ensures you have the support and tools needed to ignite your inner power.

(2 Sessions 60mins)

Ignite Your Power (Starter Package)Let's turn your wild dreams into reality!
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