Map To Radiance

Your Guide to Becoming Unstoppable

Ready to ditch self doubt...for good?

It's time to rewire your outdated beliefs, remember your fundamentally worthy AF, create magnetic confidence and unleash radiance from the inside out!

Discover the power of your soul

Ready to ditch self doubt...for good?

It's time to rewire your outdated beliefs, remember your fundamentally worthy AF, create magnetic confidence and unleash radiance from the inside out!

Discover the power of your soul

If you’re feeling clouded by outdated limiting beliefs…

or you may be thinking “Why do I always end up feeling stuck and unworthy,

no matter how much I try to change ?"

or you feel invisible in a room, like you don't deserve to be seen, or like your voice, truth and opinion doesn't matter enough to be heard

If you feel sick and tired of being in the exhausting cycle of living in fear of judgement and rejection, or

to please others to the point of neglecting your own needs...

Then you're in the perfect place to leap into a transformational journey and finally take your power back!

I Know Exactly What its like to be Crippled by Self Doubt & Never Feeling Good Enough...

10 years ago, I had a revelation that shook me to my core. It hit me like an arrow straight in my heart... I started bawling when I realized, Wow, I've never believed in myself”

“How can I not believe in myself? No one else can do that for me, no one else is going to save me." That hit me so hard. 

It was at that moment that I for the first time made a vow to myself...that I would always believe in myself, no matter what.”

And, I haven’t looked back since then. 

I’ve devoted much of my adult life to reclaiming my feminine power through self-love. Right out of the womb, I was a spitfire; talking, walking and jumping off the edge of the pool before I could even swim - not a moment to lose. As I grew up, life met me with the same fiery force and gave me many difficult trials at a young age, but like a phoenix, I rose from the ashes and alchemized shit to gold.

Along the way I discovered that the key to overcoming my deepest challenges lied in radical self-love and embracing the discomfort that often accompanies personal growth. Overtime, as I began to crack these codes within myself this evolved into a passion for guiding women on their own journeys of transformation too.

Now my mission is to empower as many women as possible to shift from low self-worth to unshakable self-love and deep personal power. To fearlessly embrace their desires, unleash their wild spirit and radically cultivate self-acceptance. Through compassionate integration of all aspects of themselves, I help women fully embody their confidence and live as their own best friend, unapologetic and unstoppable.

I genuinely believe everyone has the power to have the life they dream of but get in their own way because of self-doubt, self sabotage, projections of doubt from others, or past experiences of "failure." If you’re sick of feeling stuck and ready to break free ?! This course is hands down for you!

I Know Exactly What Its Like To Be Crippled by Self Doubt & Never Feeling Good Enough...

10 years ago, I had a revelation that shook me to my core. 

It hit me like an arrow straight in my heart... I started bawling when I realized, Wow, I've never believed in myself”

“How can I not believe in myself? No one else can do that for me, no one else is going to save me." That hit me so hard. 

It was at that moment that I for the first time made a vow to myself...

That I would always believe in myself, no matter what.”

And, I haven’t looked back since then. 

I’ve dedicated a large portion of my adult life to reclaiming my feminine power through self-love. Right out of the womb, I was a spitfire; talking, walking and jumping off the edge of the pool before I could even swim - not a moment to lose. As I grew up, life met me with the same fiery force and gave me many difficult trials at a young age, but like a phoenix, I rose from the ashes and alchemized shit to gold.

Along the way I discovered that the key to overcoming my deepest challenges lied in radical self-love and embracing the discomfort that often accompanies personal growth. Overtime, as I began to crack these codes within myself this evolved into a passion for guiding women on their own journeys of transformation too.

Now my mission is to empower as many women as possible to shift from low self-worth to unshakable self-love and deep personal power. To fearlessly embrace their desires, unleash their wild spirit and radically cultivate self-acceptance. Through compassionate integration of all aspects of themselves, I help women fully embody their confidence and live as their own best friend, unapologetic and unstoppable.

I genuinely believe everyone has the power to have the life they dream of but get in their own way because of self-doubt, self sabotage, projections of doubt from others, or past experiences of "failure." If you’re sick of feeling stuck and ready to break free ?! This course is hands down for you!

If you’re thinking “Umm Okay, but HOW do I actually overcome self doubt , become fearless

& be seen for who I really am?

You just need 2 things 

New Beliefs About Yourself

When you make the commitment and put 100% of the work to ditch outdated beliefs and make your subconscious work for you to believe in yourself

no matter what- watch the freaking magic unfold!

You start attracting new people, new opportunities, more abundance and many other things you hadn’t even imagined in your wildest dreams.

A Proven Blueprint

Having a blueprint is crucial because it provides a clear, step-by-step guide to achieving transformation, ensuring you sty focused and motivated.

This removes all the guessing and gives you a efficient, proven path to your personal empowerment.

I’m here to give you EXACTLY that….


Map To Radiance

Map to Radiance is a sacred guide, a 3-week course designed to rewire your beliefs, help you overcome self-doubt,

remember that you’re fundamentally worthy AF, unlock your feminine power to become magnetic and reignite deep self-love!

It’ll help you go from being your worst critic to becoming your own best friend!

This course provides a holistic approach to self development with simple tools, strategies, empowering exercises and guidance to unlock

your inner worth through mind, body & spirit

You'll find the transformation you’ve been seeking.

It’s time to STOP letting societal expectations, self-doubt, past experiences, and the unruly limiting beliefs snatch away your magic

Because it’s time to silence the noise & AWAKEN your power

It’s time to:

  • Embody your authentic, worthy AF self and radiate confidence from every inch of your body.

  • Get fiercely anchored in your power to speak your truth, go after you dreams and be seen

  • Say goodbye to self doubt to running your life

  • Get lifetime access to effective, proven tools to rewire your subconscious mind so it works for you, not against you

  • Ditch self sabotage and train your nervous system to receive more and thrive

  • Learn time tested techniques to activate your natural beauty from the inside out!

With the ‘Map to Radiance,’ we’ll dive deep into what’s holding you back and create actionable plans to get you out!


‘Map To Radiance’ is an up close and personal 3-Module course

where we will decode & rewire your mind, body, and spirit

Module 1 MIND: Learn How To Dump Self-Sabotage For Good

We’ll start by identifying the beliefs that are holding you back from unlocking your radiance and, I'll guide you through a simple yet extremely effective journal exercise to dissolve that pesky inner critic. Plus, I give you a list of positive affirmation statements for your self love talk ammo.

You’ll also learn how to forgive yourself and the people around you to break the patterns of resentment. And finally, we’ll take a vow and learn methods to end negative self-talk for good!

Module 2 BODY:  Learn How to Reveal & Embrace Your Natural Beauty and Body

In this module, I’ll teach why neglecting the body is the death of self esteem and give you practical steps you can start implementing that will have you feeling loved and nourished from head to toe!

I’ll introduce you to simple yet extremely effective Ayurvedic diet hacks that not only create deep cleansing and rejuvenation within the body on cellular level, but also give you that outer glow and improve your overall quality of life!

Plus in this module I guide you through a self love photoshoot as part of learning to step out of your comfort zone and into being courageously vulnerable.

Module 2 BODY:  Learn How to Reveal & Embrace Your Natural Beauty and Body

In this module, I’ll teach why neglecting the body is the death of self esteem and give you practical steps you can start implementing that will have you feeling loved and nourished from head to toe!

I’ll introduce you to simple yet extremely effective Ayurvedic diet hacks that not only create deep cleansing and rejuvenation within the body on cellular level, but also give you that outer glow and improve your overall quality of life!

Plus in this module I guide you through a self love photoshoot as part of learning to step out of your comfort zone and being courageously vulnerable.

Module 3 SPIRIT: Learn How to Activate Your Shine From The Inside Out

This is where the real magic happens, this is where you finally reach the treasure- In the last Module, I reveal the Exclusive ‘Diamond Method’. A method that’ll help you align your mind, body, and spirit through self care routines & rituals

You’ll also learn to transform your low self-esteem into radiant self-confidence through my guidance in practicing Mirror Work. Plus you’ll learn the power of visibility and you'll be ready to step fearlessly into being seen for who you really are!

Wait that’s not all …

You also get 6 JUICY Self-Love Bonuses worth $397 for FREE

Wild Self Love Activation Audio:

I guide you through a set of powerful affirmations to dissolve the inner critic and become your own best friend

 Exclusive interview with the Founder of Sex With Bliss

Brittney uses revolutionary tools to heal and awaken sexuality in a holistic way. In this interview we talk self love, self care, and just what did happen on her virtual sexual pleasure party.

Radiance Mindset Journal Exercise:

A super powerful journal exercise that reroutes your beliefs and neural pathways from self doubt to self confidence

Mirrow work to transform Low Self-esteem:

A very simple yet, scientifically proven tool that will release emotional blockages, transform low self-esteem & create massive self love, self confidence & bring out your shine from the inside out.

Join the Wildly Untamed Community:

Get access to an exclusive community for  additional support from other like minded people going through the same Masterclasses and courses

Get Direct Access To Me!

Through our members portal you can chat directly with me to get real time support, have your questions answered and receive regular check-ins on your progress!

Wait that’s not all …

You also get 6 JUICY Self-Love Bonuses worth $799 for FREE

Wild Self Love Activation Audio:

I guide you through a set of powerful affirmations to dissolve the inner critic and become your own best friend

 Exclusive interview with the Founder of Sex With Bliss

Brittney uses revolutionary tools to heal and awaken sexuality in a holistic way. In this interview we talk self love, self care, and just what did happen on her virtual sexual pleasure party.

Radiance Mindset Journal Exercise:

A super powerful journal exercise that reroutes your beliefs and neural pathways from self doubt to self confidence

Mirrow work to transform Low Self-esteem:

A very simple yet, scientifically proven tool that will release emotional blockages, transform low self-esteem & create massive self love, self confidence & bring out your shine from the inside out.

Join the Wildly Untamed Community:

Get access to an exclusive community for  additional support from other like minded people going through the same Masterclasses and courses

Get Direct Access To Me!

Through our members portal you can chat directly with me to get real time support, have your questions answered and receive regular check-ins on your progress!

How will the course be available to me?

After you sign up, the course dashboard and community login details will be sent to you via email from me “Naga Rising -”check your inbox and spam folder :)

How is it different from other courses?

This 21-day course stands out due to its comprehensive approach covering the mind, body, and spirit, along with practical tools and a plethora of bonus material. This course has a holistic approach, structured learning, practical tools, focuses on mindset and self-care. This course is structured for empowering individuals to become their own best friends and lead fulfilling lives.

What if I have doubts while going through the course? How will I receive guidance?9

Naga and her team are available for any questions and extra guidance you may need throughout the course and aftercare support through the community dashboard inside the course and/or via email at

Will I get 1:1 coaching from Naga?

For any questions and extra guidance you may need throughout the course and aftercare support please refer to the community dashboard. If you are wanting a live 1:1 coaching session with naga please contact

What happens after my coaching period is over?

Naga and her team are always here for you! For any aftercare support you can always find Naga in the community dashboard inside the course, via email at or on instagram @naga.rising we’d love to hear from you and about your progress! If you are wanting further guidance please book a live 1:1 coaching session through the email provided

How much time will it take for me to transform? Do you guarantee your results?

While individual results may vary, the course is designed to provide you with valuable insights and practical tools to facilitate personal growth and transformation. The timeline for seeing results can vary depending on factors such as your commitment to the program, the depth of engagement with the materials, and the extent to which you apply the concepts in your daily life.Your dedication and willingness to engage with the material will play a significant role in the guarantee of results you achieve.


Is “Map to Radiance” worth it?

You tell me!!

If you get an electrifying step-by-step guide to discover, embrace, and love your mind, body, and soul…

If you get therapy like support to deal with self-doubt, anxiety, and depression…

If you learn how to level up into a confident, radiant, authentic you and step into the direction of your heart’s truest calling…

Would a investment in yourself be worth it?

Is “Map to Radiance” worth it?

You tell me!!

If you get an electrifying step-by-step guide to discover, embrace, and love your mind, body, and soul…

If you get therapy like support to deal with self-doubt, anxiety, and depression…

If you learn how to level up into a confident, radiant, authentic you and step into the direction of your heart’s truest calling…

Would a investment in yourself be worth it?

©2024 Naga Rising. All rights reserved